The TPN-USP Maneuvering Simulation Center stated the operations in 2012, and did more than 160 projects, including Maneuvering Simulations, Nautical Layout, Mooring and Vertical Motion Analysis. Here we present some illustrative examples of previous studies.Â
Optimizing PortsÂ
The nautical studies can be used to optimize existing ports, increase ship size or draft and to assess the safety of new operations.
In this example, we used 3 simulators to test new towing techniques for a large containership.Â
Simultaneous maneuversÂ
In an area with heavy traffic, the nautical simulations can be used to test the safety of simultaneous operations and to support the authorities to define the rules.Â
In this case, we intended to check how the passenger ferries would affect the traffic of large containerships.Â
STS Operations
TPN-USP can execute simulations of all types of STS operations: at anchor, at berth or underway.Â
In this example, a STS LNG operation with a yoke-moored FSRU is being tested.Â
Offshore Operations
TPN-USP can do simulations of multiple vessels operations. In this example, we have 4 vessels:
DP vessel eqquiped with the real DP system (hardware in the loop)
Tugboat with automatic winch control
Conventional tankerÂ
FPSO (not manned)
Inland Navigation
Inland navigation presents particular challenges. In the Amazon rivers, the large convoys are subjected to strong river currents and cross large vessels, requiring traffic coordination and nautical studies.Â
In this example, we tested if the convoy transporting fuel could safely cross other convoys of vessels in critical areas of the Madeira River.Â

Navigation in Extreme Conditions
To maneuver a ship under extreme conditions (waves, currents, wind, tide variation) requires deep investigation using nautical studies and maneuvering simulations.Â
In this example, large bulk carriers navigate in a natural depth terminal subjected to strong currents and tide variation. The accurate definition of the tide window is crucial for a safe maneuver. Â

Technical Coordination
Eduardo Aoun Tannuri Full Professor at the Department of Mechatronics Engineering, Escola Politécnica, University of São Paulo (EPUSP), and coordinator of the Maneuvering Simulation Center of the Numerical Offshore Tank (TPN). Member of ITTC Maneuvering Committee (2012-2021). Works on Dynamic Positioning (DP) Systems applied to offshore vessels and platforms, Maneuvering and Sea-keeping time-domain simulators development with applications to ports, vessels and floating structures design. He was graduated in Mechatronics Engineering, in 1998, and completed his doctorate degree in 2002, both at EPUSP. He coordinates several R&D projects in the area of offshore oils&gas exploration, maritime and river navigation and port development. He has published about 180 papers in conferences and 40 in journals. He coordinates several R&D projects related to platform and vessel offshore dynamics and port maneuvering. As the technical coordinator of the Maneuvering Simulation Center of the Numerical Offshore Tank (TPN), he already developed more than 160 simulation studies in different Oil Companies and Ports Operators.