Math. Model and 3D design

Mathematical Model
The mathematical maneuvering model is the heart of the simulator since TPN-USP simulator is used for engineering and research purposes.Â
The TPN-USP 6DOF (degrees of freedom) model is based on long-term research into ship hydrodynamics and environmental forces (swell, sea-waves, wind, current), including the shadow effects when multiple vessels operate in proximity.Â
Interaction effects of the ship with the sea bottom (shallow water) and bank effect are taken into account, as well as the ship-to-ship interaction forces. The model includes different propulsion and maneuvering devices, as well as their interaction with the hull and surroundings.Â
Since the TPN-USP team develops the own mathematical model and simulation software, we are always improving the models, adding new effects, and exchanging knowledge with the scientific community.Â
Our mathematical models are based on the ship arrangement, sea trial, stability books, CFD calculations, water tank and wind tunnel tests. TPN-USP follows the ITTC Procedure "7.5-02-06-03 Validation of Manoeuvring Simulation Models".
3D Model of Ships
TPN-USP modelling team can build various types of ship models, besides the 250 vessels already available in our data-base, from fishing boats to large oil tankers.
The construction of a 3D vessel ship model for a maneuvering simulator is not a conventional 3D modeling task. Besides the artistic representation of the vessel and the equipment, the modeling team considers the exact point of view of the pilot to make scale/perspective adjustments to fit with the simulator projection system.Â
New vessels are constantly included in our database, and specific ships can be modeled based on the client´s requirements.

3D Model of Ports
3D visual databases are developed with state of the art tools, with image resolution and quality adequate for 4K screens of the new simulators. The 3D visual databases include, but are not limited to:
Terminal / Berth constructions
Navigation buoys and lighthouses
Urban, city and natural landscapes (optimized for marine simulation purposes)Â
The TPN-USP database already has more than 100 existing or in-design terminals along the Brazilian coast and rivers. New ports and terminals can be build following the client´s requirements.